On Exhibition

Oil on Canvas
36 X 48 in

About the Art

Saptalochani or The White Tara is a spectacular work of art. On first encounter with this masterpiece, a variety of emotions may emerge – from surprise to awe, bringing about an understanding that beauty has been totally redefined here. Saptalochani – a feeling engulfs you, as the beauty of simplicity captures the surrealist movement, it gently yet firmly overwhelms you. Your body, mind and soul enter a calm inner tidal wave. The flow of the energy resonates through the painting in a spiritual
manner, touching your inner self.

Saptalochani is not just a painting of the White Tara, but the artists’ lifetime learning essence captured in one single piece of canvas. Shrestha has mustered up his experiences and knowledge to bring out the mastery of simplicity. Through this style of simplicity, we view the incorporation of his linework, the rhythmic flow and blend of colors, and we witness the confident strokes of effortlessness and minimalism as they unite both the artist and the viewer.

The White Tara proclaims a new era of Shrestha’s work. To create art, share, and then let it go; that’s one of the keys to living a successful and peaceful life. This artwork reminds one to be humble, thankful and compassionate.

Tara is a symbol of love, compassion and beauty. Compassion is defined as being thoughtful towards the pain and sorrow of others. Shrestha’s Saptalochani helps us to be mindful through the simplicity, beauty, and attractiveness of his creation. The in-depth knowledge of White Tara becomes prominent not through the iconography but through the flow of the painter’s style and depiction.

There is always a perfect iconographic presentation of White Tara in paubhas, thangkas, statues and temples and monasteries. Yet, how do we transfer the knowledge of the past to the next generation with the same kind of intensity, emotions and faith? To be able to understand, respect and pass down the values while retaining the same core is what Shrestha has mastered.

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